Sunday, December 11, 2011

Double Trouble

Rescues work on a shoe string budget, with a staff of volunteers who's hearts are always larger than their pocket books.

Pointer Rescue Organization has two injured foster dogs right now. Joy, who was hit by a truck recently, and Buck who appears to have injured his ACL while playing. Now, they may be foster dogs in name, but they are our babies at heart. We hate to see them hurting, we long to patch them up and see them heal. We stress over funding for medical issues such as these.

If I had a fairy Godmother I'd ask her to sprinkle some money dust over the rescue to help with vet bills. I'd ask for someone in the family to marry a vet who does pro bono work. I'd pray for a winning lottery ticket. I'd say, hey, would you be willing to forgo that grande double skinny caramel macchiato with extra whip to help a four footed friend down on their luck? Could you have a bake sale fund raiser? Could you chip in the money you find in the clothes dryer? Could you make a donation in honor of your favorite four footed friend to help another four footed friend?

If you could, hearts will be warm and tails will wag in thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buck is just the sweetest dog in the world and his foster mom totally adores him. I rescued Buck from a Texas kill shelter a year and a half ago and he has just got a zeal for life. He loves people and other animals and never met a stranger. He is about 6 years old. We do know history on this young man.

Right now, the is making his fm wait until next Monday for xrays under anesthesia. The waiting is hard because we won't know his treatment options or cost until then. It is fair to say that it will be expensive in $$, but well worth every penny of dollar donated.

While we wait for the xrays and final diagnosis, please donate towards Buck treatment and to offset the expenses for his examination and xrays. I fully expect to see him chasing balls again, once his treatment, which may be a knee replacement or repair, is completed.