Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Guess What Santa is Bringing??

Dear Mick and Mr. Hanky - guess what Santa is bringing for us for Christmas???

Is it a bird - no. Is it a plane - no. Is it a new foster dog - YES!

It's time to bring another one into the fold. At least temporarily. C'mon, it's what we do. Or, it's what I do and Reno indulges me.

This time it's a puppy. Yes, it will come with it's own special madness and serendipity. Yes, Hank, she may try to bite your butt. Yes, Mick, the peace and quiet as you know it will come to a screeching halt. But hey, you too were puppies once.

Foster #11 for us, is yet un-named. She is approx 5 months old, and being pulled from a shelter in Tennessee by the good folks at Great Plains Pointer Rescue. We're delighted, excited and up for the challenge.

Yes, boyz, I still love you, will always love you. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to help this little one integrate into the household. To learn what love is, what 'no' is, what "ah-ah" means. She'll learn as much from you guys as from me. So she's a lucky dog. She'll learn from the best.

I'm going to say Thanks Santa....da boyz are saying oh crap, here we go again. Either way, let the fun begin.

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