I let Kobe, Mick and Hank outside this morning. Well, Kobe wanted/needed to go, and the others went because Hey! the door is open! Don't want to miss an opportunity. Plus if one male is peeing, all the males want to water the spot.
The part I love is when they all want back inside at the same time. I looked out the door and they were all sitting there cute as can be. Hank and Mick side-by-side and Kobe in the back. I'm certain the conversation went something like this.
Okay, okay, okay - here we are, how are we gonna get the pretty lady to let us back inside. I'm just sure if we can get in that she'll fill our food bowls. Mickey said, "I'll sit pretty, she loves when I sit pretty." Hank said, "I can jump and wiggle. I'll just half way up the door that usually draws attention." And, Kobe, no doubt replied, "you wet behind the ears whipper snappers, let me be the spokesman. All I have to do is woof and she will come."
So there they were. Three pointers on the porch. One sitting pretty, one jumping and wiggling, and one with his deep woof that sounds like "roo, roo, roo". Now, if only I had a camera that worked and someone would wash the nose prints off the front door. I need to capture that moment. It doesn't get any better than two lemons and a liver waiting not so patiently to get in.
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