Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Coats, Blankets and Boots

So, exactly how cold is it???  You don't want to know.  The pups are up to their skinny pointer butts in snow and more is being delivered tomorrow.  Wind chills to follow on Thursday dangerously low.  No, I don't live in Alaska, it just feels like it.

It's so cold today when it got all the way up to 14 degrees I left my coat unbuttoned.  With some sun and no wind 14 was pretty warm.  Well, warmer than yesterdays -20. 

Mickey got the warm blanket treatment again today after pet therapy.  If that isn't a "do unto others" moment I don't know what is.  I need to work on my pathetic shaking pointer impression and see if they take pity on me.  A new pet therapy member named Kobi has little boots for his little Shitzu paws.  They resembled little red balloons that his owner put on him.  They felt like balloons too.  It keeps the salt off his paws, but probably doesn't keep those tiny toes warm.  Mick thought she was putting deflated Kong's on his paws. I think if I put balloons on Mick's feet it would render him incapable of walking.   Personally, I think heated boots for the dogs and myself are in order these days.  I wouldn't object to a decent fur coat either.  Hank and Mickey second that motion.

All said, we can't really complain to much.  Not with the roof over our head, lots and lots of warm clothes.  Life is all about layering these days.  We have heat glorious heat, hot water, and firewood.  We also use indoor plumbing - thank God!  So bundle up yourself, and protect your pets too.   This too shall pass, like an Arctic cold front....oh, wait, it is an Arctic cold front.

1 comment:

Beatrees said...

I've been wanting to get the boys some sneaker type doggy shoes. They would get those 'sticker' things stuck on their paws sometimes, and the fields are filled of rocks instead of grass! And since we are stationed in Yuma, AZ the sun heats up the dirt and sidewalks wicked hot! And I can tell it bothers them cuz they prance around when the ground is to hot... then it's time to go home and forget about the walk. I don't know where they would sell doggy shoes of that sort tho... A nice wood fire sounds good right about now. Dam that cold front!