Sunday, January 31, 2010

Upstairs, Downstairs, Inside, Outside

I know why we have the no fosters in the winter rule, because of the cold, but I'm adding a new reason.  The footing is so flipping bad.  It's like walking on small ice moguls.  I need cleats.  Naturally the dogs don't like the smooth areas of the yard.  Only the well trod areas that are rounded, pocked, dimpled and dug out.  Their feet adapt much better than mine do to this sort of terrain.  Sleepy feet first thing in the morning find this especially difficult.

Sophie, bless her heart and found her little poop and pee pasture and uses it regularly.  It's right in front of the raised bed for the tomato garden.  Seriously, this winter has been so bad I'm thinking of hiring an entre-manure firm for Spring clean up.  Feel free to donate to the cause.

She has also discovered she can leave her crate and venture upstairs to the office to be with us.  Mind you it's a quick trip up and if anything startles her, and most things do, zoom she races back down stairs again.  Still significant progress. 

And talk about tender hearted.  She's got me beat.  It's difficult to tailor corrections to her level.  The "you've been naughty" voice I use for the boys is way too harsh for her.  In fact, if they get corrected, she takes it to heart. 

It does make me wonder what her prior life was like.  Maybe, however, I really don't want to know.  We all need TLC along the way.  It would be good for us to remember that.  Sophie needs a little more than most, but truth be told, there is a little Sophie in all of us.

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