Monday, January 18, 2010

Coming and Going

In the world of rescue, dogs are always coming and going.  They come into a shelter, and if they are lucky they go right to a forever home.  Or they go to a foster home while the universe does its magic to lead them to that special home.  In life, we could all use a good foster home.

Think of your day and all its comings and goings.  I've been going, going, going all week on a trip to market.  While I'm always excited going, I'm even more thrilled to be coming home.

There are days we are going crazy, coming apart at the seams, going on a merry-go-round, coming down the home stretch.  Sometimes we go and even forget what coming home means.

If nothing else, going away gives us new perspective.  If we come to a stop long enough to let that knowledge settle in our hearts.  So I have to ask.....where are you going to, and coming from?  I hope you stop going enough to come away with new insights.  And may you always, always find shelter and gentle fostering along the way.

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