Friday, January 1, 2010

Journeys of the Heart

Four years ago this time I visited a friend for New Years in the Portland/Seattle area.  That began a journey of the heart.  It's been a journey from NE to NV and NV to NE with stops along the way in CA, WA, TX, MD, WY, IA, UT and ID.  Not necessarily in that order.

There are trips you plan, and others that are just part of the bigger plan.  This is one of those.  We didn't exactly pack for it, but traveled with a certainly that life was good, second chances were worth taking, faith would lead the way and love would follow.  I'm happy to report it did.

Kudo's to Reno for his gigantic leap of faith and the willingness to pull up roots to move here.  I was the bigger chicken of the two of us.  Of course had he known what life with a crazy dog lady entailed he may have thought twice.  Now he accepts that as "normal", but as we know "normal" is a relative term.

Last night, while in the company of wonderful friends he proposed a new journey in life.  If there was a script it might read something like this.....I, Reno....being of relatively sound mind....ask NancyTheCrazyDogLady to marry me.  I promise to take you (and Micky, Hank and whoever the current foster is) in good times and in bad, with dog poo, puddles and vet bills.  I know there will always be one more needing a foster home and with that comes torn blankets, barking, and the mopping up of tears when they go. 

Since the suspense must be killing you, I did say yes.  Well, I did accept subject to approval of the residents pets, but I think they may have been bribed.  Either way, we celebrate a New Year and a new journey.  We'll need you along the way to share the joyful days, and sustain us in the what were we thinking days.  And, they say long distance relationships don't work.  I beg to differ.  They say relationships are work - we'd have to agree.  They say second chances don't come every day.....I say, when they do sieze the moment. 


Janicekg said...

Congradulations Nancy on your engagement. What a nice way to start the new year.

life, loss, love and laughter said...

Why thank you - she said...grinning from ear to ear!

Beatrees said...

Wow congrats! It always so nice to here about engagements and it's so fun for them to be on New Year's Day! And i love you're doggies!

N. Bachmann said...

Thanks Pea Brain - funny to be thinking weddings at 51, but so be it! Thinking a dog park wedding....