Tuesday, January 12, 2010


It's good to be polished.  Polished skills, polished shoes, polished looks.  Nail polish....you get my drift.  Polish means to pull it all together and shine.  Some days we feel polished, some days not so much.

I stopped to polish my shoes this morning before I went out of town.  Okay, so how often does one polish their shoes anymore??  I suspect if I told my kids to polish their shoes they would think I was a nutcase.  I remember my Dad polishing his shoes.  Reno has a shoe shine kit, we used it this morning.  Sometimes in the airport you see a shoe shine stand.  There is something very satisfying about polishing your shoes.  You take something dull and dirty and clean it up.

We do that in animal rescue.  We take the animals in, clean them up, polish their manners and let them shine in a forever home.  Mr. Hanky just shines with love and joy.  It doesn't get any better than that.   In school we polish our education and leave brighter for the process.  In counseling we dust off old ways and find new means to thrive.  In relationships we bloom and grow (hopefully!) and become more loving because of it.

Hmmm, take a look at your life and ponder what shines with love, and what needs a little elbow grease to polish it up.  We invested in Hank's care as his foster home.  He makes our life shine like the sun after days of cloudy weather.  Even after he's gone, just the thought of him will bring a glow.  Good things are like that.

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