Sunday, January 3, 2010

Dog Paths

The dogs have reduced the yard to one path.  All the snow and bitter cold have put a bite (pun intended) in their outdoor activity.  Some people have snow drifts in their yard.  I think I'll have a poop drift.  On the plus side that might make for easy Spring clean up.   Do you suppose the poop scooping business's quit coming in the winter?  Poop still happens then.  Plus, more snow is coming and even colder weather.  Geesh, one would think it is January or something.

Ever notice that no matter how many dog toys you own, they always want the same one?  I wonder if I bought two of the same toy if neither of them would play with it?  I've been trying to get the boys to play tug-of-war.  Short of grabbing it with my own teeth I haven't been successful.  That reminds me of way back in my novice dog owner days.  Boy, was I green.  That was back before green was a good thing.

I was walking my lab Abby when she was a puppy.  She was like a Hoover with paws when it came to things on the ground.  I distinctly remember her picking up a sucker stick in her mouth.  In my naive, over- the-top new owner zeal, I had to get that away from her.  Leave It was Greek to her, as was No, Come and Give It.  She was command challenged and I was just psycho.  So, visualize a lab with a sucker stick in it's mouth.  In the scheme of things not the worlds most dangerous thing to pick up.  But, I was not going to be bested by a dog unwilling to let go.  I put her leash between my knees, bent over, pried her mouth open, but wouldn't you know the stick stuck to her tongue.  Hmmmmm, went my brain.  Or, maybe it was engaged in absurdity mode.  Either way, without thinking (obviously), I leaned in and grabbed the sucker stick with my teeth and pulled it away.  I know what you are thinking right now.  Yes, I did do that.  Uh, huh, not one of my brighter moments, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.   I was the alpha female over a paper stick and no doubt my lab was impressed. 

Sometimes the path of learning is littered with stupid moments.  What can I say, I don't think anyone saw the moment, although now that I've told you word might leak out.  All that said, I wouldn't trade that moment for anything.  Dog path's are just the best.

1 comment:

Beatrees said...

i wish my dogs would make a poop path... or better yet: a poop corner! i love your story!