Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We all have favorites. Somewhere along the way. It is simply a part of life. We have favorite flavors, favorite dog breeds (pointers, duh), favorite sibling/child/grandchild (not mentioning any names here), favorite holidays, favorite colors, favorite shoes (ohhhh shoes!) ....and if we are lucky a favorite Uncle or Aunt.

I lost my favorite Uncle this week. Overall, he is in a better place. Pain free and happy. I wouldn't deny him that. It makes me smile to think of him. I imagine right now he's enjoying a glass of good wine, kicked back on the beach somewhere. If he were to speak something funny would come out of his mouth. It would be a short comment, quietly spoken and guaranteed to make you laugh.

Losing a favorite makes them all the more valuable. Imagine never having your favorite ice cream again? Or waiting for your favorite holiday. Not having it increases its value. We savor it more, honor it, cherish it.

Loss makes us pause. Pausing makes us think. Thinking helps us appreciate. It's good we have favorites. It's especially good to give thanks for them. Remember those who go before us. Remember with a smile....and thanks for time shared.

1 comment:

Janicekg said...

Nancy, sorry to hear of the loss of your uncle. Its good to know you'll always have fond memories of him.