Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Slapped in the Face

I know - not your normal topic for me. In fact, I haven't the foggiest idea on how to work dogs into this blog. Maybe I will, maybe I won't.

Sometimes we get exactly what the title of this blog says. Funny how we never see them coming. Not so funny is what it does to our morale. Morale is such a tricky thing. When it's good, anything is possible and no effort is too much. When it's not good, enthusiasm gets mired down and desire fades in equal measure.

Even when you know you did the best you could, sometimes you get shot down. Hmmmmm, what can I say to make you/me feel better. You are not alone. This feeling won't last forever. You did the best you could with the information you had. They can just go take a big @ss flying leap into a large pile of dog shit. Oh wait, sarcasm overcomes me---but I did bring dogs into this blog!

It is what it is. And, man I hate that saying. Slaps happen. This too shall pass.

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