Saturday, September 18, 2010

Sophie in Public

Some people don't test well. Normal, intelligent, responsive people get into situations where it seems all their brain power vanishes like it never existed. Sophie is that way in public.

We did another adoption event today. Bless her heart she is like a social retard in public. The fact that I am her foster Mom, and that I said "bless her heart" first allows me to insinuate she is somewhat challenged. Today enroute she threw up in her crate. Maybe it was my driving. I'm not sure. Then, as is the case, when we arrived she took an enormous poo in the parking lot. I know this happens, I prepare for it. Still it is amazing the volume she cranks out from sheer stress.

Then she proceeded to tremble the entire time we were there. I think perhaps a convent might be a good home for her. If she never had to leave the convent walls she would be quite happy. Her issues certainly make the other dogs look extremely adoptable.

This event was a new location for her, so of course that added to the stress. But, she did sniff and lip a doggie muffin that a kind lady offered her. She wouldn't eat it, but the fact she acknowledged it was improvement. She even chose to sniff a couple butts. Progress, however minute, is good.

Too bad people don't see the Sophie that lives with us. She is a completely different dog. Not totally confident, but definitely not totally in a dither. Ah well, the challenges of fostering, the joys of loving and the reality of living with Sophie.


Janicekg said...

Tell Miss Sophie that it's okay to have an upset stomach. Even dogs in forever homes get upset and empty themselves in the most embarrassing places.

Maggi said...

I'm thinking Miss Sophie is training her foster mom very well - now if she could just convince foster mom to become adoptive mom she would have it all (course scary man has to come along with adoptive mom). Nancy: In her own little pointer way I think she is trying to tell you something.