Monday, September 27, 2010

Feeling the Pain

Into each life a little pain must come. Or, wait...was that "a little rain must fall". Either way sometimes it rains on our parade.

I, for one tolerate pain and rain fairly well. Maybe too well. Sometimes we are meant to slow down for inclement weather. My body has a case of inclement weather right now in the form of shingles. I could continue to truck through my days as I have forever and ever, or I could slow down take a different approach.

I am attempting to opt for the different approach. Usually I am the "I can, I have, I will, I do, I did, nothing is stopping me sort." Perhaps it's time to be the kind to step back and breathe instead. All I really have to do is take care of me first. The rest will fall into place. Hmmmm, take care of me first. What a novel idea.

Each life experiences pain at some point in time. Surely I've seen that from my experience with the dogs and rescue. But what I haven't seen before is that sometimes we all need some rescuing, some time to grow, to learn new ways and to heal. For once I am that timid hurting foster dog that longs for love and a second chance. My day has come.

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