Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm Never.....

Ever pause to look back at all the things you were never gonna do - but did. Then weigh that list against the things you were going to do - but didn't. And, what got in the way - well, life did....

Such as....I won't ever get divorced. I won't ever be a single parent. I won't marry someone who smokes. I won't have a long-distance relationship. Hahahahaa....I won't ever be delusional - wrong again. I probably also said, under my breath or with fingers crossed, that I'd just get one dog. So much for that theory!

After a lengthy period of unemployment, we are blessed to have both of us working again. Granted, we're not working in the same city, but I'm not complaining. Now, I never expected this situation. Dang, there is that word never again! But you gotta do what you gotta do. Life isn't fair, but it does have a way of evening out. Life is messy. Change is hard, don't buy the other theories about that.

Just because I never envisioned the way life would go, doesn't mean a different plan wasn't in the works. In fact I can guarantee that. Our job is to find the beauty in the roads we never planned to take. I have no doubt we will.

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