Monday, August 17, 2009

Fake Left, Fake Right

We laugh daily at Mr. Hanky. Heck, I can remember cringing the first time Reno called him Mr. Hanky! No foster of mine would be named after a moronic TV character. Okay, so now the name pretty much fits him.

I think, inside this pointer boy, a Tigger is trying to get out. This is how he is at the door. Going out - hang onto your hat a white tornado is coming through. Then he yips, yips, yips all around the yard. Coming in is another whole production. He'll stand at the door and watch for you. When he sees you he fakes left and pounces, then he fakes right and pounces. Then he centers himself and jumps about 4 ft in the air! Repeat, fake left, fake right and spring into the air. Repeat once more for good measure. I double dog dare anyone to not be charmed by his antics!

The other thing amusing is to see Mick and Hank with their squeaky toys. Until now, squeaky's lasted about all of ten minutes at our house before being ripped limb from limb. So, I never bought them. Somehow we got two as freebies, so the boys are in remedial squeaky training. Hank could not be prouder than when his squeaky is stuffed in his mouth. Mick likes to be chased with his. And yes, given half a chance Mick would decapitate his in a heartbeat. I let them play for about 10 minutes or so with them, and then they trade them in for treats. So far we have completed 4 play sessions with them, a house record for sure.

The only thing funnier would be to see Mr. Hanky do the fake left, fake right, jump to the sky with his squeaky. Not likely that will happen. I'm a mean Mom and squeaky's are not allowed outside. At least not on my watch they aren't.

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