Friday, August 21, 2009

Sleep Over

Remember sleep overs when you were little? Camping out in the tent, or making a tent in the front room. Girl friends giggling, late night snacks, Mother telling you to get some sleep.

I'm having a different kind of sleep over. This one with my Mom, in her room at the nursing home. No girlfriends, but the staff nurse with her rolling cart just went by with the resident cat riding on top. Not much sleep for me at this sleep over. But Mom is sleeping, so that counts for something. Not much in the way of giggling or midnight snacks. Just a few old cookies from earlier in the day.

I don't have to be here, and yet I chose to. I'd prefer being at home snuggled next to Reno and a couple pups. But, something says I do.

On the dry erase board that used to have Mom's goals for the week I put "thankful for our time with Mom, waiting for the angels to take her home" Do you suppose they are listening? Or perhaps the angels are giggling in the wings like girlfriends at a sleep over.

Angels always look so dignified, but I'm hoping that's not the case. I'd prefer the kind who stop to pet dogs, never turn down a glass of wine and aren't afraid to laugh out loud. Perhaps then, every day in the hereafter would be like a delightful sleepover.

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