Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Final Thots

Not to be confused with - space, the final frontier.

But, in a way I do see some space now. Since April, some of almost every day has been spent visiting my Mom and holding her hand through her health issues. Now the tables are turned and she will hold our hands as we go back to "normal" life whatever that may be. Yes, I realize a daunting task lays ahead with selling her house and settling her estate. I pray, while time consuming, it will be less stressful that all that led up to it.

Are there things I'd do differently having been through this journey with Mom? I'd probably try to laugh a little more. To find more humor in it all. Sometimes life, and death, is way too serious.

Mom's passing has opened much dialog about how we want our own celebration of life to go. I want my body to go to science, or the Guggenheim Museum of Fine Art. Mostly I think science might benefit best from my body, and maybe my karma will seep into the universe. I'm hoping my family will serve wine and cheese at my visitation, and it will be a pet friendly event. Reno said he'd be in charge of supplying dog biscuits. The story of the "Big Lots Fiasco" needs to be shared one more time, any of my other proliferous blonde moments warrant sharing again. Let there be laughter and giggling, even if it's slightly irreverent all the way to heaven. Perhaps someone could bring big red clown noses in case anyone has trouble getting into the moment.

You know the line from the Billy Joel song - "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints, the sinners are much more fun". Since, in many ways we all sin from time-to-time, let's have some fun doing it. Lest anyone misunderstand that, I'm not endorsing sinning, I am embracing more fun. Forgiveness is not a limited commodity. Only self limiting if it is not used on a regular basis.

Perhaps there is a correlation between those who exude laughter and life, and those who are unable to lighten up. Maybe being unable to forgive is like a fracture to the funny bone. One wouldn't think it would be terminal, but it is.

When you think of it we are all terminal. That kind of levels the playing field doesn't it?

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