Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Journey Home

Isn't it nice when the journey home means jumping in your car for a short trip? Or even a long trip, but one filled with joyful anticipation? Or, even, a trip down memory lane?

There are all kinds of journey's home. Sometimes we are on the journey and not even aware of the destination. Other times we are on the road, and it feels like driving across the state of Nebraska, unending! There are times when all the roads lead to home. Times when we are rediscovering what home means and where it is.

Life is a journey. Okay, so not my most profound comment. But it is! We are nearing the end of my Mom's journey home. The last four months have been mostly unpaved road sorely in need of repair. We've learned more about g-tubes and j-tubes than we ever dreamed. We started in one direction expecting a certain outcome, and find ourselves in another place all together. It has been, for those closely involved, a journey of discovery.

And now, the end is in sight. Home is right around the corner. It is a good place to be. Not an easy place to be, but good none the less.

How many times do we long for home? Daily, hourly, hopefully, prayerfully? We look forward to finding our foster dogs new forever homes. We plant the seeds in our kids so they learn the value of home. We anticipate when our kids, soldiers, friends and loved ones come home.

And sometimes, we let go in order for them to complete that last journey home.

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