Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Taking Stock......

Who among us is not taking stock on how 2009 went?  And, naturally, we view only the big picture.  Not that there is anything wrong with that, but life, and love, is made up of small pictures, tiny moments in time that build upon one another. 

In looking back I have more kisses I wish I'd given to give to Sidney, Kobe and Maddie.  Yet, I am thankful for all the kisses I did give them!  When I think back on all the times Kobe followed me, like a Whitehouse Secret Service agent,  into the bathroom I can't help but smile.  There was a time, when I thought I was dying from Mono, that he sat beside me while I worshiped at the porcelain throne.  In retrospect, he probably wondered why I didn't just get a sip of water while I was there like he did.  But he gently leaned against me and I knew I wasn't going to die alone.

There were hour and hours spent at the hospital (and the vet's office) this year, hours I would do again in a heartbeat.  Hours I wish had lasted longer for my sake only. There were lonely hours,  happy hours, and sleeping hours.   Not to mention a few hours of panic, some flashes of hindsight, some bouts of stupidity, some times of hilarity, and a couple splashes of brilliance.  There was church time (though not enough!), garden time, time cleaning up gifts left by the dogs.  There was thankfully,  work to go to and paychecks every other Thursday. 

Yes, there was laughter and sorrow.  Time with kids, times we felt like kids, times that we reflected on what it was like when we were kids.  There was garden time, waiting time, wondering time, time to say hello and goodbye. 

So here I am, taking stock and giving thanks - for all the little moments in my 2009 doggy dog world. 

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