Sunday, May 23, 2010

How Deep Is Your Love....

I've done a lot for my two-legged kids, and my four-legged kids. Usually it involves vet bills, tuition bills, car insurance or food bills. It's what parents do. We may grumble a little, but we do it because we love them. Usually it's small sacrifices, giving up so they can have something. Going without so they can do something, putting their needs before ours. It is done in a hundred different ways on a hundred different days.

As I ponder this generosity of sacrificial love, I am thinking of a young lady I work with. Leah is a young woman challenged by Down Syndrome. Her parents love for her brings a smile to my heart. They are packing up house and home to move to San Antonio so that Leah can be closer to her beloved boy friend. For them it's a gift of love, not a sacrifice. That's not to say it's an easy choice for them. But, they have placed her joy in the forefront. In return, her happiness gives them happiness.

Many of us give wholeheartedly. Most people never know how much we give up for those we love. For us, and people like Leah's parents, its a small price to pay for a happy heart.

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