Friday, May 7, 2010

Time Flies

I'm certain I've written a blog with this same title before. No doubt I'll write one again. Basically, it's my blog and I can title them any way I want. The boss says it's okay - oh ya, I am the boss. Gosh, I love my boss!! Thanks Boss!

I've been mulling over how times flies. For example, Sophie joined our family the end of January. Doesn't January seem like a long time ago? For heaven's sakes it was months ago! Sometimes the days drag, but the time flies. And, here we are.

Sophie's still here, it's almost Mother's Day, I still feel like I'll never catch up. Yep, time flies. Hank going strong, my kids are healthy, Reno is wonderful. Yep, time flies.

I admit to being envious of people with new babies, and of people who's fosters get adopted. No, I don't want a new baby. Perhaps we just envy the excitement of what every one else has. Perhaps other peoples successes seem so much more evident than our own.

For month's now we've been working to empty my Mother's house, it's a slow process. This weekend we will succeed in having it almost completely empty. It's an empty feeling, not a feeling of satisfaction. It's one of those "won't it be great moments" that really doesn't feel all that great.

That's where I am. Loving my life. But also looking forward, looking back, looking at how time flies.

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