Along the way we have debated if we gave Sophie the right name. Chicken Little seemed appropriate, as did MsChief. Of late, Diva, or Miss Contrary seems to fit the bill.
She is a challenge. At first all she did was hunker in her crate. Then she would come out when you weren't looking. But if you looked, she'd run for the crate. If I was in the office, she was into mischief in the front room. For a while if I was upstairs, she was upstairs. If I was downstairs she was downstairs. It took her a while to begin drinking from the community bowl. Then she learned. This week she won't go near it.
Progress with fosters is usually watching them learn house rules and basic manners. It is a series of small steps forward. With Sophie it's been completely different. I can only surmise that unlearning years of fear-based behaviors is not a predictable journey.
Last week she decided she wouldn't willingly go into her crate. This week she's decided eating in her crate is just not gonna happen. Toss in the high value treats, not interested. Last week I'd take the computer down to the front room to keep an eye on her. This week she won't leave the office.
Yup, she's challenging and she's certainly challenging our fostering skills. I have to wonder if one day she'll decide that Scary Man is the God of all that is Good in Life and I'll be Scary Woman. In a way, even that would be progress. It's hard to help her unlearn the scary things and relearn the good things. Even when she rejects the status quo she's making progress. It's just not a predictable progress. It always makes me wonder whats next. It doesn't seem to get easier with her, it just gets different.
At some point she has to find the middle ground. I hope, I hope, I hope.
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