Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Middle Names

Everywhere I have worked, or volunteered, and in my family there have always been more than one Nancy. So I am quite used to being Nancy Jean, Nancy B, little Nancy, or big Nancy. That is so I'm not confused with Nancy Marie, Nancy M., old Nancy or young Nancy, my Nancy or your Nancy. If I were to hyphenate my name when I remarry I could be called Nancy B-S. I'm thinking I'll pass on this one. I've never been just Nancy - I always come with a qualifier.

Now, if Sophie had a middle name it would no doubt be "trouble". Lately whenever I call her name it's followed by Sophie "what are you up to now", or Sophie "leave it". I don't even have to know what she's doing, chances are it's a "leave it" situation. She is a mischievous little bugger of a girl. If she was a toddler, she would be one who doesn't hesitate to climb to the top of the refrigerator. Sophie's not shy about using furniture as a means to get to something.

I've begun to taking my laptop to where ever she is. If I'm in the office, that gives her a free pass to cruise things in the living room. Even if I'm in the kitchen she sometimes pushes the envelope. Getting lots of opportunities to correct behavior that's for certain. Of course, the flip side of this is that she has come so far!! I can't complain, really, well, maybe just a little.

She's gone from being afraid of everything, to testing everything. Amazing what 3+ months in foster care will do. Today, as she tried to rip the skirting from the bottom of the sofa (can you say bad girl Sophie!!) I took off my shoe and tossed it at her. No, I didn't throw to hurt, for the most part I can't even hit what I throw at. But I throw to interrupt the behavior by the surprise of it landing close by. Face it shoes raining from the sky are startling! So I got a good correction in!

So while I'm Nancy B. She's Sophie B. As in Sophie Behave. I'm Nancy Jean. She's Sophie Trouble. So "B" it. So Sophie, so much fun.

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