Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Free Dog

I've worked in rescue for years now, and frankly I'm beginning to worry about myself.

Okay, let me back up. I had a guy call me about a dog he is trying to rehome. Not so unusual in rescue. But, he called me at 5:30am and asked if I could just take his 10 yr old Pointer. Helllooooo!!! First I wanted to scream "do you know what time it is"? Then I wanted to throttle him for being willing to give his dog away. He has her listed for Free on Craigslist. Rolling eyeballs, fuming at the injustice, seething at the situation, not to mention wanting that last hour of sleep he denied me.

This is wrong, wrong I tell you. Still, he is trying, rather than just dumping her somewhere or being oblivious to her needs. I almost said yes - part of me wishes I had. Why?? To protect the dog from an owner with no social graces? To give her what she needs and deserves - crikey she's 10 yrs old!

What scares me is I wanted to say yes so badly. Kudos to the guy for the element of surprise the 5:30am call presented. Maybe he's smarter than the average bear. Catch 'em off guard, dangle a dog, especially an old dog and voila, problem solved.

If only we could just take all the dogs in need. If that was the case Boomer from OK, Colonel from IN and this female from IA would be in residence right now. Reality finally woke up and I heard myself tell this guy, no, I can't just take your dog. Yes, I said it tactfully, although there was an edge to my response. And rightfully so.

I can't just take your dog. I can only do so much, feed so many, save so many, try to help so many. So I did the best I could - I recommended an awesome rescue program. Now I just pray this dog finds her way there. Please Lord, please St. Francis, please all the angels in the universe.....help this dog, and all the others so desperately in need find their way to rescue.

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