Sunday, November 7, 2010

Things That Mess With Your Head

This morning Day Light Savings comes to mind. I get the premise. But anyone with kids or dogs can give up the ghost of "getting" an extra hour of sleep when you fall back in the Fall. The dog's don't know or care about that. I'm pretty sure teenagers dig it, but they can sleep through anything. Of course, I neglected to set my clock back when I went to bed, so I got up earlier than I really had to. The dogs didn't care though. Time is time to them and it was feeding time for the love of Dog.

This week Sophie learned to drink from the toilet. With her petite frame it is no easy task. A friend of mine refers to it as the punch bowl. Perhaps only dog lovers will find the humor in that. Since Sophie can't reach the sink to refill the water bowl, I think finding the punch bowl and serving herself is the next best thing.

Change of seasons also mess with my head. In the store we are changing everything out from Halloween to Christmas. What amazes me is that consumers are jumping right in and buying it. Really, that is a good thing! But, I'm still wondering where August and September went. I'm also trying to make mental notes about what is popular this season, so I can buy again for next season. It seems I'm always way ahead of the current season, or way behind. I'm not sure which. And when the reason for the season arrives I'm too tired to enjoy it.

So perhaps the challenge is to embrace each day as a season. Each day an opportunity to dip into the punch bowl of life. Maybe Sophie has a lesson for us. Find the bowl, partake, try not to fall in, celebrate that which rehydrates us. To that I add punch bowls come in many shapes and sizes. Thankfully they are not all toilets! Some are, some aren't. Find time to mess with life, rather than letting it mess with your head.

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