Friday, April 2, 2010

A Bird is a Bird is a Bird

To say the pointers are hunting dogs is an understatement.  Mick will hunt anything that moves in the yard.  I've seen him snatch bee's from mid-air.  Now I don't endorse that particular sort of hunting.  It doesn't reflect great genius, as much as pure instinct.  He'll hunt the bunny's, squirrels, snakes, and the crickets.  To me, Mick frozen on point on a cricket is as beautiful as if he was out in the field.   Since I never get him out in the field he compensates however he can. 

Yesterday I observed him from the kitchen window watching, watching something in the garden.  He was most intent about it. Then he started to bark at it, which is way out of the norm.  From my stance I couldn't see what he was hunting.  Of course, it was on the outside of the invisible fence, so his access was limited.   Finally, my curiosity, and his barking led me out to investigate.   It wasn't until I was almost in the garden bed that I saw his "prey". 

I am 100% certain at some point in Mick's life that he prayed for something more exotic to hunt than what he finds in our yard.  He was probably hoping for a pheasant or a duck, but may have been somewhat vague in his petition.   What he got was a tropical bird. 

Now, I don't know tropical birds, but the beautiful lime green of it told me it was someone's lost pet.  I had my camera in my pocket so quickly snaps two pic's of it.  At that point it kept coming closer and closer to us, which was obviously a problem.  Mick is a somewhat less than reliable diplomat in greeting foreign aviary dignitary's.  Hank was right there too.  Face it, two pointers and a tropical bird is a recipe for appetizers. 

I hauled the two dogs in the house, grabbed the phone to call animal control, and by the time I went back the bird was gone.  The bird probably surmised I'd taken the two dogs in to get honey mustard for it's wings.  I went out wondering if I caught the bird what I'd planned to do with it.  I had no viable plan, but it turns out I didn't need one.

I hope it made safely back home.  I'm glad Mick brought it to my attention.  And, it's proof prayers are always answered, just not always in ways we expect.

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