Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My House My Rules

Part of the joy of fostering is seeing a dog learn and blossom. In some cases, especially a dog like Sophie, you get to see them put aside their fears and just become a dog again. Many times they learn from other dogs, which is a blessing because there are just some dog behaviors I don't mimic very well! This in itself is a good reason to own multiple dogs - as if I needed a legitimate reason.

We have to laugh at little Ms. Sophie. She's decided it is canine appropriate to bark ferociously when someone walks in the front door. No, she didn't learn this from the other dogs. Unless the spirit of Ms. Maddie is teaching from over the bridge. Two nights in a row she's gone ape sh*t when Reno has walked in the front door. We have laughed ourselves silly over this. Little Miss Chicken Little charging down the stairs barking up a storm. Until she remembers to be scared and dashes to the safety of her crate again. Either she is taking ownership of the house, or she has had years of abuse from men and she's starting to say she's not taking it anymore!! I'm voting for the former. But the latter is not bad either.

Growth happens, fears pass, joy returns - sometimes it's a noisy process.

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