Sunday, April 18, 2010

Did I Listen?

Sophie told me. But did I listen? Ummmm, no.

You often hear of dog owners who are livid with their dogs because they got into the trash, or soiled their crate, or made some other mess. Basically they were doing what dogs do. The owner has the responsibility to prevent issues or respond to them in the process. It's not always the dogs problem.

Case in point. I spent the first 50 minutes of this morning cleaning Ms. Sophie's crate and some carpet what had been soiled during the night. Not a fun way to spend your morning, but I absolutely can't blame her. She told me, around 3:30am that she needed to go out. Granted, what she said, and what my brain was willing to hear were two different things. She was most emphatic in her need, and I was most reluctant in my bed.

In my defense, the rowdy neighbors were hitting the obnoxious stage in their party. I did not want to be seen darting out in my robe with a dog who is known to have performance issues while relieving herself. I did take her out the back door, which we never do. I didn't give her sufficient time before scooting in the back door which we also never do. Nothing like stressing her a bit more. Bless her heart, not long after she again sent a rather direct message that she needed to go back out, but I refused to listen. I hope she will accept my apology.

It was a rough night for Ms. Sophie. For me not a great morning, but part of fostering and owning dogs. Sh@t happens. And sometimes it's in the crate. I didn't do my "owner" part very well with her last night. So I had my work cut out for me this morning. Thank goodness "To Err is Human, To Forgive Canine".

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