Friday, April 16, 2010

I don't share well......

I've discovered I don't share well.  Just typing that makes me feel like time out is right around the corner.  Reno, his son who's visiting and I have all been sharing one computer this week.  Hmmm, not much fun for any of us.  Wishing my fairy godmother would get her wand out and "poof" present me with a lap top.  Realistic, no, but hell, why not dream big?

Speaking of playing well.  Miss Sophie is discovering that the yard is something to be investigated. We're past the quick trip out to potty and the mad dash back in.  Maybe she's liking the yard better now that it's not covered by a couple feet of snow. I like it better that way too.   Of late, I've been ready to come in before she is.  Big progress for this little bit of a pointer.

I think we're almost ready to begin invisible fence training with her.  On one hand, I think training will go fast with her.  On the other hand, she does seem to have a high prey drive.  Our backyard forays at night always amaze me.  She knows right where the bunnys are and I can't even make out their shadow. One night all three dogs were on point and I couldn't see what the big dealio was.  Until Mr. Bunbun made a run for it. 

It will be fun, when she's trained, to see her scamper and run for the fun of it.  Every so often she gets the zoomies in the house and man, can she scoot!  She's learning, and becoming more relaxed.  Baby steps for Sophie.  Baby steps for me as I work on that sharing thing. 

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