Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Creepy Crawly Things and Play Dates

First of all, let it go on record that snakes give me the heebiejebbies.  I don't like 'em at the zoo, in the garden, in photographs and especially not in the house.  Sometimes Mick will hunt them in the yard and have great fun with them.  That creeps me out too.

Today I encountered one inside.  It was coming up the steps from the basement.  Holy crap bat man.  If snakes could be cursed to death it would have happened today.  If shrieking could render them into a sudden coma followed by a speedy death, there would have been a fatality.  But nooooo, it doesn't work like that.
Said snake was scooped into a box (not by me) and deposited in the garden.  I wonder what my blood pressure was at that point?  No dogs around, naturally, for this episode.

Later, I discovered a second one.....more, even more foul language ensued.  I thought perhaps I hadn't used the right string of language to eliminate the first one.  This freakin snake had the audacity to be sunning itself in the front room by the window.  Yes, I will understand if you never come to visit here again.  Frankly, I don't much care to live here anymore either.  This time the dogs were in the house!  Helloooo???  Hunting dogs - what the hell were you thinking??  Obviously not of protecting the manor.  Although the roof raising vocalization of outrage and fear did get their attention.  It was not a good day, and I am not sure I will survive.

On a more positive note, and at this point anything would be more positive, Sophie had a play date today.  Perhaps calling it a meet and greet is a better description.  She got to go in the car - always an adventure.  Before I'd backed down the driveway she crawled into the front seat and scurried under my feet on the driver's side.  Hmmm, not conducive the driving.  She wasn't going to budge, so we parked and got out of the car.  Lifted her back in and tethered her in the back seat.  Off we went. 

Sophie's new friend is Sugar.   Sugar is a 6 month old golden mix who has plenty of energy to burn.  They didn't play, but they sniffed.  Sugar tried her best to engage Sophie.  Sophie trembled, tucked tail and stuck pretty close to me.  She did investigate the edges of the patio, let my friends toddler daughter touch her and let Sugar lick her tongue.  Over and over and over.  I think the meet was a success.  For a first visit I think we've set the stage for success down the road.

For me, it was nice to have some fun excitement as opposed to the kind that I had earlier today.  Thank God Reno was home to slay my dragons, or at least move them out to the garden.  I'm sure it's one of those "remember when" days.  I'm sure you probably wondered where all the screaming was coming from .  Now you know.

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