Sunday, December 19, 2010

Eating our Words

At one time or another we all eat our words. One of my brother's swore he would never get married, buy a house or wallpaper. Guess again. I always said I'd never do a puppy again. We can thank a certain, stubborn lab puppy named Abby for that quote. Well, guess what? Tomorrow I'll eat those words in duplicate.

Yup, I'm gonna give puppy hood another whirl. Fostering, that is. Tomorrow, two of the pointador puppies from Colorado temporarily join the pack. Junior and Queenie have no idea what they are getting into. For that matter, neither do Mick, Hank and Sophie. Then again, perhaps neither do we.

We know for sure, that a gal named Jessica is an angel for fostering the 21 pointer/lab puts from birth until 8 weeks. This lady deserves a dozen roses, a medal of honor, a psychiatric exam, a standing ovation and a million bonus points for being a trooper. My motto is if she could do 21 pups, we can do two. I only hope we do it as well as she has.

So a new adventure begins..... Some people prepare for Christmas week by baking and wrapping gifts. We'll spend it snuggling with puppies. We can hardly wait.

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