Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holiday Spirit

Here we are on the 16th of December. The stockings are not hung by the chimney with care, the tree is not trimmed, the gifts are not wrapped, some handmade gifts are not pressure here! Christmas cards - yes!! Those got done so I can check them off the list.

So maybe this year feels more Grinch-like than others past. I'm not feeling all misty over tinsel and consumed by the details. Maybe this year motivation is an issue. Anyone else feel this way?

You know, that why bother feeling? Except, I always bother, and that's what bothers me. So I think if I visited Santa today I'd ask for a life swap with the dogs.

From now until Christmas I'll live Mick, Hank and Sophie's life and they can live mine. That being the case I'll have a full belly and be snoozing away right this minute. My biggest challenge will be getting to the cookies first. Okay, so that might be an everyday reality. I'll nap in the morning, the afternoon and after dinner. I may have a brief case of the zoomies daily, then again I may not.

When I'm not napping, on the sofa, the bed or under the desk, I'll be totally adorable, a bit of a heathen, and begging to go out....and then begging to come in. I'll drink from the toilet. I'll sniff obscene things in the yard. I may come when you call. See? It's not a bad gig to have.

They can do the wrapping-trimming-decorating plus work retail. Alright, Hank could work retail, Mick couldn't be bothered and Sophie would find it just frightening!! Not that I blame her.

So there you have it. I don't think dogs worry about getting everything done and having the holiday spirit. They exist in the simple pleasures of existence. What a wonderful gift that is, and not one you'd find under the Christmas tree.

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