Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Paws N Pilots or Angels in the Sky

You know about the 21 puppies our rescue has growing by leaps and bounds each day. Well, a challenge every rescue faces is moving those same dogs across the country to forever homes or foster homes.

Transport coordinators work tirelessly to find volunteers to drive legs of a journey from one point to another getting dogs where they need to go. The economy affects this, weather affects it, location does too. It's just plain difficult to move one dog, much less 21.

Here is the deal. We have several of the 21 pups being adopted by homes on the East coast. We need several things to happen to make this a reality. I'm not afraid to ask for a miracle so here goes.

We could use a corporate sponsor to step up to the plate and pay for moving them. I'm thinking Oprah, Rachel Ray, or Ellen DeGeneres would be suitable sponsors. Dog lovers and compassionate people. Yep, I like that idea. Pilots And Paws also comes to mind, or Pet Airways. Do any of you out there have connections with these groups? How about pulling some strings for the Pointador Puppies??

Failing that, we'd take a cash donation to hire someone. Reno comes to mind, but I may be biased. We'd need enough money for gas, some meals, some compensation for his time, someone to ride shotgun and help him wrangle puppies. Overnight accommodations would be made by other dog lovers along the route who want to help out. Heck, I'd put him in a Santa suit and let him ho-ho-ho his way across country.

You think I'm silly for putting all this in print. Haha, well I'm not. We need to move some dogs and we need your help. I've opened the door for a miracle to happen. Calling all angels in the sky to help bring this to pass.

Pull some strings people and get back to me with the details!

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