Friday, December 3, 2010

Hand Me Downs

Several years ago, before Sidney, Hank and Sophie, we fostered the skinniest pointer boy we'd ever seen. His name is Pete. He had a lucky red collar and was the most handsome pointer ever to come through our door. Shhh......don't tell the other dogs I said that.

Pete left the flatlands of NE to live the good life in The Big Apple. After he settled in his owners returned Pete's lucky collar to us. You might say it was a hand-me down from a really cool dog. Hank wears Pete's lucky collar now. We think it's cool.

To my suprise I had an email that Pete had outgrown his winter coat. I was amazed, no doubt the birthday lamb chops had something to do with this! They wondered if Sophie could use his old coat. I think she would probably swim in it, but, Mr. Hanky could use a coat for the bitter NE winters.

It seems most fitting (pun intended) that the dog who wears Pete's lucky collar should also wear his winter coat. Proof that the distance between hearts joined by dogs is very short. And that, sharing, hand-me downs, hand-me ups, or hand-me overs can warm both hearts and souls.

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