Monday, December 13, 2010

Visiting Priveleges

Mr. Hanky, Reno and I had the privilege of visiting someone who follows my blog. She's been a friend for quite a while, but this was our first time to meet her. She was having hip replacement surgery at a hospital in IA, about 30 minutes away. Since she is an IA friend, I decided to take an IA dog for the visit.

Mr. Hanky came from IA originally. The dear lady who helped Hank get to rescue is a friend of the gal who had surgery. Friendship came full circle with our visit. In a way Hank was able to repay the kindnesses extended to him long ago. Not that he needed to, it was just nice he could.

It was a bitterly cold day with blowing snow and messy roads. That's how Reno got involved, by agreeing to chauffeur Hank and I to the visit. He's a good guy that way. So we bundled up. Even Hank wore a winter coat. Luckily his hand-me down coat from Pete arrived last week. The timing was perfect.

So we met a old friend who is new to us. We made her day, and that made ours. Hank was his perfect self. Not at all the dufus he is at home, much to Reno's surprise. Hearts were warmed and healing happened. It was entirely the right thing to do. And Hank would second that motion.

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