Friday, December 17, 2010


I had a friend comment recently "If I had known what 2010 had in store for me I never would have left 2009". Boy, ain't it the truth? She ended a relationship, lost a house to foreclosure, had a recurrence of cancer and an apartment fire. Not exactly a walk in the park. She'd like to be on the giving side of life for a while instead of receiving.

It is infinitely more humbling to receive in our time of need, than to give. Yet, it happens. We all have our "year from hell" from time-to-time and it takes our breath away. It takes our courage, our enthusiasm, our stuff, and rattles our faith.

It's comforting to know (sorta) that it happens to almost everyone. Meaning we are not alone in our struggles. Or if we are, it is a personal choice.

It's that time of year we tend to look back and weigh the blessings and the curses of the year. Hindsight - you know..... All told we have more blessings than we know, and everything we experience is a blessing. Some blessings just come in disguise. The kind that blindside you and scramble our brains like eggs in a bowl.

Years like that give us all pause to reflect, to reach out to others, to appreciate, to give thanks. In hindsight, it changes all of us.

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