Thursday, November 19, 2009

Immobilizing Fears of Succeeding

Most of us have fears.  Okay, perhaps that is an understatement.  All of us have fears.  The key is not that we have them.  The key is whether or not we let them imprison us.

All of this comes from a dialog we had.  Trouble is my best thoughts come later.  I never think quick enough on my feet to make valid points when needed.  I wonder why that is.  Wouldn't it be nice to offer that profound wisdom in the middle of the discussion?  My best Ah-ha moments come later.  So then they feel less valid.  Temper that with remembering that feelings are not facts.  .

I know God put Reno and I together for a specific reason.  Maybe it was comic relief as surely He laughs at us daily.  Who else could take on person brimming with tendencies toward impatience, and another person steeped in procrastination, put them together and challenge them to grow their love. 

I can just visualize Him snickering at us.  He must be saying "Nancy, my child  good things come to those who wait".   And then in his Fatherly gentle voice, "Reno. my son the waters fine, jump in".  And the dogs, who are so God-like in their ability to embrace life without the fears we create, no doubt woof in laughter too. 

I can only trust, which some days is easier than others, that His will is for us to keep moving towards a better us.  Our fears are also our greatest opportunities.  And success has many definitions.

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