Saturday, November 14, 2009

It's all a Blur

This time of year it all becomes a blur.  Oh wait, it seems the whole year has been that way.  A few days ago it was Nov. 1st.  Now it's nearly the 15th.  I've worked eleven days straight, but will have most of tomorrow off.  Then it's another busy week.

Why is this of interest?  Because when things get nutso like this I especially need the dogs to ground me.  They show me how to slow down and relax even when I struggle to do so.  They don't get their fur all in a knot because of the merry go round of life.  They soften the stress in my shoulders and ease my face into a smile.  Sure I see the chiropracter, and sometimes get a massage. I love both these activities.  But none of those things heal me like the dogs do.

Lately Maddie has been horking - alot.  I think in children it's called vomitting.  But the noise dogs make when they upchuck definitely needs a special name.  Horking fits the bill.  She's not eating well either, so we're a bit worried.  She see's the vet Monday to try to figure out what's going on with her. 

Kobe sets the world record in canine napping, with a special emphasis on snoring.  Ancient, spry, crotchety and semiconscious all come to mind with Prince Kobe.  Not a bad way to live life.  He still gets excited about food and his Mommy, so it's all good.

Hank was confused today when I took Maddie downstairs to kennel up when I went out.  Hank went right in with her and then looked confused.  Hey?  What is she doing in here?  She looked at Hank the exact same way!   The expression on her face clearly said "beat it bonehead, this is where the Princess resides". 

Last but not least is Mr. Mickey.  He is handsome personified, or would that be dogified?  Unflappable as a therapy dog, total dufus at home.  It's not easy being that diverse, but Mick nails it. 

So as the month flies by, I give thanks for the dogs.  Without them I'd be lost.

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