Sunday, November 8, 2009

Over Night

It has been a long time since I've had the opportunity to assist in a transport. For those who don't know, in the world of animal rescue, a transport is a group of volunteers who move an animal across country by each taking a leg of the drive. Finding volunteers to fill a run is always a challenge. Legs are usually about an hour long one way. Sometimes a trucker will take an animal the whole distance. Most transports are one day long. But other are several days, including overnights along the way. Coordination is phenomenal, and critical. But the pay off (not cash by the way) is incredible.

The most we've chauffeured in one run was 4 dogs. The most memorable was the dog that was moved across country to be reunited with it's owner who left the state to escape domestic violence. Talk about getting warm fuzzy's for participating in that one! We've driven legs to pick up fosters, we've driven legs just for the sake of helping.

A few time's we had the dog overnight to help with a longer run. We have that opportunity coming up later this month. Sugar Foot is being moved from San Diego to Minnesota. I wonder if anyone has told her about the climate change? Due to a heavy work schedule I can't drive any of her legs. But we can let her spend the night with us.

I can't imagine how bizarre a transport seems to the animal being moved. Every hour or so they are passed into the loving hands of the next driver. Then a random night in a strange house. Then back to the relay from driver to driver until they reach that final destination of either the foster or forever home.

It's funny how much difference giving up a couple hours of your time can make in a life. You give a little of yourself and you receive in spades of satisfaction. So Sugar Foot can snuggle in for the night here. She might not sleep well, we might not sleep well, and the resident dogs might not sleep well that night. But for one night, for the sake of helping one of God's precious four-footed creatures it will all be worth it.

She will pass quickly into our lives, and then out of our lives. But our heart will be touched. Isn't that the best we could possibly hope for?

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