Saturday, November 28, 2009

St Francis, St. Therese of Lisieux, the Madonna and Pete

Or, you lead and I'll follow.

About 18 months ago our foster dog Pete moved to the Big Apple.  Up 'til then I'd never been there, didn't know anyone there, didn't even have thoughts of going there.  Pete changed all that.  Dog will do that to you.  They slip into a crack in your heart and presto chango life takes you in a new direction.

Now I can say I've been there, and I have friends there.  So when my NY friend said one of his friends NY friends was coming to Omaha the plan was made to perhaps pop in and say hi to her.  Well, the fact that she sells jewelry, and I like jewelry kind of sealed the deal.  Let me rephrase this, I make jewelry, she sells jewelry.  I dabble in beading, she sells jewelry in really nice stores.  She knows Wayne, I know Wayne - it's all good.

She makes jewelry from antique and vintage religious medals.  Very cool.  Refreshing to see icons like this adorning people rather than tucked away lost and forgotten in a jewelry box somewhere.  I chose two for my necklace, St. Therese, the patron saint of florists, and the Madonna.  Not the singer Madonna, but the other really popular one.  The third medal came with this new friend specifically because my old NY friend told her of my recent losses.  The third medal is that of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals.  St. Francis is absolutely, totally and blessedly appropriate for my doggy dog world.

Like I say, its funny where dogs will take you.  When my new NY friend ask how I knew our mutual NY friend, I used Pete as a reference.  I like to think some of my best references are the dogs.  Pete of  "Liver Treats OMG Liver Treats" fame has taken my life on another journey, one that includes my favorite saints, and other untold blessings.    

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