Saturday, November 21, 2009


It seems to be the year of issues.  Personal, health, canine, financial, remedial, employment, plumbing.  You name it - we've had it.  Of late we've had eating issues with the dogs.  Maddie won't eat, Kobe is picking and choosing....mostly choosing not to eat much.  Mick and Hank will clean up after everyone.  How accomodating.

I guess I need to remember that Kobe and Maddie are the seniors here.  Maddie is 9 1/2, and Kobe is older than dirt.  In fact, I think sometimes the line should read "...and in the beginning God created Kobe, and it was good"  after that He created the earth.  First things first you know.  And then also the line from Ash Wednesday "remember dog that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Losing one of the dogs has been on my mind a lot recently.  With Kobe I can't ask anything more of him.  He puts mortals to shame with his forgiving heart and gentle nature.  He and I sat on the bathroom floor today.  Heart to heart, communing our love for each other.  I'm not sure who was leaning on who, but together we propped each other up.

And Miss Maddie - still worries us so.  More tests on Monday, she has gone a week without eating.  If only they could talk to us.  Tell us what hurts, tell us what doesn't feel good.  Tell us what sounds good to eat.  Tell us why it's so hard to pill you.  Lordy I about have to tuck the pills clear down to your toes little girl!!

So we wait.  For answers to the questions, for resolutions to the problems, for peace from the worries. Still, in the worry of the moment, thanksgiving for two wonderful dogs.  One male, one female who fill our hearts with joy.

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