Monday, March 15, 2010

Anger & Thanksgiving

I had a conversation recently with a cat owner.  She owned that the cat was unwell, and it was quite a dilemma on what to do.  The angst hit many levels.  First the love she had for her cat.  Second, the anxiety of living with a controlling husband.  Third the decision she needed to make regarding treatment of the illness.  Actually, the reverse of that.

Medical treatment was not an option because of the husband, because of the money.  Excuse me?  I have a tough time swallowing that one.  She suggested surrendering the cat, I suggested due to the age of the cat to euthanize it.  She wanted to give it a chance to find another home and possible treatment. 

Helloooo - the thought of throttling this person was my immediate impulse.  What about commitment, what about caring for the animal you chose to adopt, what about a little backbone of your own?  Why would you dump your cat on the wild hope that someone else would care enough to see them through their illness???  It sucks to have a sick animal.  It is heart breaking to see them over the bridge when letting go is the kindest choice for them.  But it is part of owning a pet.  Hard choices, heart wrenching choices, loving them until the end whatever that brings.

As angry as I am at this person's quasi-logic I also find some gratitude.  A person much like this one dumped Mr. Hanky and perhaps hoped he'd find a home to love and care for him.  A person like this didn't care enough to love him on the good days and the bad days.  A person like this gave up something wonderful. 

So as angry as I am, I find some softening in my heart when I think of Mr. Hanky.  There are people who love enough to do this for animals in need.  I only pray this cat finds one of them.

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