Saturday, March 27, 2010


One of my friends, whom I shall refer to as the Queen of Crazy Dog Lady's came to visit me today at the store.  She is one of those gals who takes in the dredges of dogs and loves them to pieces.  She takes the homeless, the hopeless and dotes on them.  She also breeds Chinese Crested dogs.  In her spare time, of course, besides working two jobs. 

I've written about her before.  She has Chinese Crested' named Lucille Bald, and Jimmy Chew Shoes.  Today she had a 7 week old pup with her named One Eyed Jack.  You guessed it, Jack has an eye issue that may cost him his eye.  He came for his first official outing into the big world of dog lovers. 

The mission, should I choose to accept it - love up on One Eyed Jack.  Hold him, handle him, let him get used to new people.  Naturally, I checked his teeth, ears, and handled his feet.  Rubbed him, nuzzled him and let others do the same.  It was good for him and a treat for me.

Socialization is so important.  For dogs, and for people too.  We need to know goodness and kindness abounds.  We need to have our feet touched and teeth looked at.  We don't have to like it, but we need to allow it.  Let me tell you it's a rough job, but someone has to do it.

Luckily I work in a place where dogs are doted on.  Somehow the crazy dog lady's of the world find each other and life is good.  Truthfully, this gal would have given me one of her pups.  All she wants is for them to go to a good home.  Just not sure how I'd explain a small nearly nekkid puppy to the resident pointers.  Or to Reno for that matter......

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