Wednesday, March 3, 2010

May I Get You A Drink?

Why yes, please, that would be delightful.

Most of us, most all the time, have only to walk to the kitchen, or the breakroom to get a beverage of our choice.  Ohhhh.....I love beverages of choice.  I'm fairly selective.  Coffee in the morning, no more tha two cups.  Water with lemon, any time of the day.  Sweet tea during the summer, hot tea when I have a sore throat.  Beer with pizza, margarita's with Mexican, Mojito's when it's summer, or wine, gin & tonics, hot chocolate.  You know how that goes.  I am exceedingly (and deliciously) well hydrated. 

Now Ms. Sophie, chicken little that she is, has been slow to make use of the community water bowl.  At first she wouldn't drink anything, then she'd lap at the snow outside, then she'd drink water in her crate.  Today, in an act of braveness, she ventured into the kitchen for a drink from the dog bowl.  Actually, her front legs were in the kitchen, her back were in the living room so she stretched as far as her little legs would take her.

It was impressive to know she was confident enough to do this.  Such a good girl.  I believe I shall toast her braveness.  Cheers little Sophie.

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