Never fails. Miss Sophie wants to start her day between 6am and 6:30. And believe me there is a conspiracy going on.
I'll start to hear her whining in her crate. Then Hank The Tank will charge up the stairs and launch himself on to the bed,. Thank God we don't have a water bed! Hank's dive in would tsumani us right out of the bed. If that doesn't succeed at getting me moving, then Mickey does his part. His is a more subtle approach. I'll hear him come into the room. Yes, I can hear and sleep at the same time. He approaches my side of the bed and sits there. And sits there. And sit's there. If the stare down tactic fails for some reason, he will eventually put one paw on the side of the bed. He is a proper English gentleman if nothing else! Who could sleep though this I ask you??? Well, I could tell you, but names are being withheld to protect the innocent. Although I'm not sure why.
So on sleepy feet I'll get up and venture outside with the pups. I'm not complaining, but it is "mud season" here in the Midwest. Where once I was navigating (read skating) over ice and snow to take Sophie out, now I'm picking where I place my feet for the least muddy path to the potty zone.
After potty time and kibble time it's play time. When she is ready to play Ms. Sophie has more moves than Michael Jackson. This morning she was bound and determined to get Mick to play. As men will tell you, if a woman wants something, you don't stand a chance. Neither did Mr. Mick. So play they did.......finally. Where is that camcorder when I need it?
Which brings me to about two hours since the conspiracy to get me out of bed was initiated. They are sleeping.....full tummys, relieved from potty visits, and tired from play. Maybe I should go back to bed too.
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