Monday, March 22, 2010

Turn The Tables

First off, let me say to any attorney's who may read this blog - no offense meant on my next comments.  But, you guys speak another whole language.  Well, Doctors do too.  Anyway, years ago I meet with my attorney while going through my divorce.  We were going through the who, the what, then when, where and how of everything.  All the legalese was mumbo jumbo in my head and I left feeling horrible.  I distinctly remember getting to my car and realizing that I now had proof that I was dumber than dirt.  It was a heart wrenching experience.  To this day, meeting with attorney's makes my head spin.

I've decided how to fix that.  I don't have to know that stuff, that is their job.  I would like to turn the tables though.  I'd like to sit these same folks down and talk dogs and flowers to them.  I could talk it up one side and down the other.  I know, it sounds grueling.  Someone please give me fair time with things I know well, and love dearly.  Perhaps it will seem like another language to them much like it did to me. 

Funny how we expect so much of ourself and how it hurts when we don't know everything.  At least I am that way.  While I couldn't talk breeding and show dogs, I can talk fostering, rescue and loving 'em.  While I am not a botanist, I am a designer and gardener.  For the most part I can make it or grow it.  I'm way right-brain in ways that will make the left brainers hands sweat and head ache. 

So I'm giving myself permission to not understand all the legal stuff thrown at me.  Phfewwwww, what a relief.  When you turn the tables we all get time to shine.

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