Monday, August 2, 2010

Curled Up

I am always fascinated by how the dogs curl up. Their paws are their pillow, their fur is their blanket. At this moment Hank and Sophie are curled up at my feet while I write. The ability to just be at rest, safe, loved, belly's full, warm, dry, cool, tired, well that not a complete blessing in life?? They are content. Drifting and dreaming in their own doggy dog world. Happy to be close to me. Just as I am happy to be close to them.

I do envy how easily they curl up, legs tucked in, snug as a bug in a rug. They don't need their Advil to go to sleep, nor do the have to have the pillows fluffed and placed just right. They don't toss and turn like we do. They can open their eyes to check on me and drift right back to sleep. They can be up in a flash and alert ready to follow me where ever I might head. I've never seen them walk on sleepy feet with eyes barely open like I do with them early in the morning.

They just are. They just do. They just be. They don't need that cup of java to be ready for the day. Although a Beggin Strip never hurts the moment either. They never think, dang, I really need a big glass of wine. That is not to say they don't think. They do, we are just not privy to their thoughts.

They may think we are the biggest dorks in the world, but we have control of the kibble, so they keep us around. They may think we are gods and goddess's of all that is good in the world. I, for one, will not tell them otherwise. They may think that dress does make me look fat, but only gaze at me with eye's of love. I love that about them.

So they rest, curled up at my feet. Ahhhh, life is good.

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