Saturday, August 21, 2010

Quiet Time

In the swirl of life I often forget the need for quiet time. Not all quiet time is the same. Sometimes it's a gentle easy time of quiet. Sometimes its a quiet full to the brim with tension. Sometimes it's quiet bordering on anger, laughter or anticipation.

I love quiet time with the dogs, although most times there is some commotion involved with the dogs. In the process I forget to be quiet. Oh, wait, maybe I'm just not good at staying quiet. Reno would say I can't stay quiet for long. I say pot calling the kettle black. I love quiet time in the garden, not that I've spent much time there lately.

One of the best quiets is that of contentment. The comfort of sitting with someone and not having to fill the silence at all. That type of quiet holds a grace all of it's own.

We all need a little more grace like that. I'm wishing for you a double dose.

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