Thursday, August 5, 2010


My dogs are just plain lovely. I think it is a pointer thing. I may be biased. If so, deal with it.

People who meet Sophie are taken with her sweet face and lovely markings. To bad those same folks don't get to see what a doll she is on the inside. It takes time for Sophie to warm up, but she's even cuter then! Some lucky person is going to adopt Sophie I just know it.

I have had many people fall in love with Mr. Hanky. Of course, who wouldn't love Mr. Hanky. Even short term he brings an increase of 100% on the happiness scale. Every fibre of his being exudes joy. He's a real Romeo too.

And Mr. Micky? He is adored by the staff at the hospital we do pet therapy visits at. Even when I tell them that he is not always a stoic soul, but in fact a top notch dufus in his own right. Still they love him.

What is not to love about dogs? And, specifically pointers? Oh, there is that bias coming out again. Let me add that getting a dog was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. Truthfully, what are the smartest decisions you ever made and does that choice give back anywhere near half as much as a dog does?

Yes, there are times I grumble, maybe even growl at scooping poop, or taking a dog out in the pouring rain, or freezing cold. There are times I wish I had all the money I have spent over the years on vet bills. Sure, I'd be driving a Lexus. But a car without dog fur is just a car.

A car, house, blouse, chair, carpet (you get my drift) without dog fur just doesn't define lovely for me. Dogs do.....especially pointers, oh, and any other dog who I am lucky enough to come in contact with.


Unknown said...

I think that getting Daisy was the best thing that ever happened to me. It definitely changed my life for the better. I changed my lifestyle around her and she is my priority.

I also happen to think Pointers are the best dogs ever. They are loving, goofy, playful and cuddly. Does it get any better than that?

But yeah, I'm probably biased too ;0)

N. Bachmann said...

Amanda - I'll embrace your bias if you embrace mine! Thanks for loving Daisy.