Friday, August 13, 2010

Dog Days

They may call these the dogs days of summer, but I don't know. The dogs aren't spending much time outside to enjoy them. The lucky dogs have owners who worry about their exposure to the heat and limit their time in those conditions.

The dogs in residence here are truly living the good life. And that is not just because they live in Nebraska. "The Good Life" is our state motto, but it could just as easily read "The Tax Me State", but I digress.

There are dogs, too many to count, who would form lines miles long for the chance to live the good life. I can visualize them in line at my front door. Big dogs, little dogs, cute dogs, ugly dogs, dogs who've been lost, neglected, abused, dumped. There would be dogs needing grooming, dogs needing training, dogs who simply need a gentle hand to love them. Dog who lost homes because of death, divorce, the state of the economy. Dogs afraid of men, terrified of thunder. Dogs that laugh with their tails, and wiggle with mirth. Dogs that lean on you, dogs who fart like adolescent boys with nothing better to do. Dogs by the name of Marly, or who've studied under him. Dogs, dogs and more dogs.

No, no, I haven't gone over the canine edge. I was just thinking how good my dogs have it. I was thinking of all the dogs out there that need homes like mine. And, I'm thinking/dreaming/praying for more people to help.

Let me temper all this by saying yes, I did step in fresh poop this morning while out with the dogs. I know the effort, the expense, the responsibility of being a pet owner. I know the "oh crap, I've stepped in it again" feeling.

Yet, my life would be empty (and my shoes clean) without the dogs. Maybe, just maybe you could visualize the line of dogs at your door and invite one in (or two!) to enjoy the good life with you.


Janicekg said...

ya, I never understood the dogs days thing, either. My dogs go out just long enough to do their business and then hurry back inside. I have a room set up just for my dogs, I opened a wall between my bedroom and the bedroom next to mine. They have their own air conditioner, I hardly ever run the one on my side. Someday I will have land and be in an area where the city and county don't put limits on my dog head count. I will do rescue but it will have to be poodle rescue.

N. Bachmann said...

Poodles are waiting for you....Curly Top. And they will be blessed to have you in their lives.